

2018-08-01 14页 doc 45KB 34阅读




画眉鸟换毛期的营养与护理画眉鸟换毛期的营养与护理 时至盛夏七月,鸟已进入换毛期!俗话说:七零八落九换齐,是说农历。其实画眉鸟换毛时间是因地方气候不同而不同的!如川`云`贵`很多鸟要八九月份才开始换... 可是不管什么时候换,鸟在换毛阶段的鸟食营养是否合理`均衡`与护理是否得当,直接影响到来年的打斗成绩,非常的重要!故各地的鸟朋们都分分来电咨询我`考虑到三言两语也说不清楚,正所谓:"道可道 非常道"......故将我个人的看法和经验,在此与大家分享,希望对新手有所帮助,同时也提高自己,不及之处还请大师们教我,谢谢!!! 记得二十多年前,刚学养画眉...
画眉鸟换毛期的营养与护理 时至盛夏七月,鸟已进入换毛期!俗话说:七零八落九换齐,是说农历。其实画眉鸟换毛时间是因地方气候不同而不同的!如川`云`贵`很多鸟要八九月份才开始换... 可是不管什么时候换,鸟在换毛阶段的鸟食营养是否合理`均衡`与护理是否得当,直接影响到来年的打斗成绩,非常的重要!故各地的鸟朋们都分分来电咨询我`考虑到三言两语也说不清楚,正所谓:"道可道 非常道"......故将我个人的看法和经验,在此与大家分享,希望对新手有所帮助,同时也提高自己,不及之处还请大师们教我,谢谢!!! 记得二十多年前,刚学养画眉`什么都不懂`鸟食又不好`老是吃败仗......于是到处寻师!遇一老者说:没有两下子`怎敢玩扁毛!!!除了鸟要好,还要鸟食好,护理得当......才能出将。于是虚心学习,潜心研究,才知道画眉学问如此深奥......呜呼!画眉画眉是个迷!从此让我迷上你! 别的不说了,就说换毛。鸟换毛就象树落叶`蛇脱皮一样,一年一次`到时候就换`是自然规律! 毛发者血之余......血者津精之所化,故精血足`毛发华,精血枯`燥`毛发枯`白...... 然精血是由营养物质转化来的,只有不断补充给充足的营养、才能保障换出好毛~所以我是用低温、免炒`尽量不破坏其营养成分,避免燥火的`自制画眉营养鸟食的基coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 础料,然后又重新配制营养物质加入...... 画眉鸟是通肠、没有胃、就给鹅一样、一天吃到晚~如果身体好、吃得不好、很快身体状况就搞坏了,相反如果身体状况不好、只要鸟食的营养合理、很快也就复原了~故鸟食的好坏是画眉健康的头等大事~ 鸟饿一天半日食还可以挺住,但水可缺不得、由其是换毛阶段缺水、毛就容易换花白~这是换毛期最重要之一~ 画眉鸟喜欢吃点泥巴和小石子、应该常给它吃点风化石、保健砂......这样也有助于消化和换毛......鸟开始掉毛了就应该少遛、或逐步减少、少掉毛少遛、大掉毛不遛、直到闭笼、避光静养为上~洗澡也是这个原则、小掉少洗、大掉不洗,看情况而定、有时可七`八天才洗一次也可以,早上可以来点日光浴......当新毛逐步换齐时就可逐渐加多洗澡次数、逐渐恢复如常溜鸟~ 如果它不爱洗澡、有可能是你鸟食营养不好、使它身体不够健壮、(正所谓:身体不好、不肯洗澡)因为换毛期身体消耗最大、就像妇女坐月子一样、所以很多鸟还会掉性、补充好营养就改变了,不必担心~ 新毛长出来更须要大量营养、决不可听人误传、佭低鸟食营养~不但不能降低而应该加强营养、才合符自然科学~鸟食要求营养合理、均衡,平稳、不燥方为上功~~~ 鸟友们自制鸟食最好在配方内加入桑椹`酥麻(酥coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 子)....其作用自己去查阅吧~ 很多人问我:有的打雀为什么不换毛呢,答:因为它身上有老伤未愈、时时疼痛、身体放不松......我的经验就是用又可疗伤、又营养的专用料,双管齐下,疗伤换毛两不误~且有不换之理~(没有这种料的可以用蜈蚣、士蟞、土狗、等等、打碎拌料喂、有助疗伤)当然刚打斗完回家`就开始疗伤就不会出现这种情况~ 换毛期静养中的鸟、要严防猫和老鼠惊吓`伤害,加水食时动笼时要唤着它、先给它提个醒,打个招呼、免得它受到惊吓~换毛中的鸟全身是放松的,毛孔也是放松的、一受惊吓毛孔就要收紧,毛孔收紧就不利于掉毛...... 鸟换毛从那里开始,多数都是先掉点胸毛、在掉一两枝翅毛、而又掉一两根尾巴、或又掉点头毛,原则都是老毛先掉......先后次序各鸟不同、并无定式~短的换毛期一般3个月,长的换毛期历时120天,新毛水气方干定型~唯恐没说清楚,附上《营养鸟食与画眉散打》以供参考。 营养鸟食与画眉散打 有句话说;畜比人同.这话说的很好,我认为在挑选到一只好鸟后`养功好坏,鸟食营养是否合理,与斗鸟成绩有很大关系,健康是原动力!不知大家认同否? 先说人的健康与营养,健康除乐观的心态,适量的运动,充足的睡眠外还需均衡的营养.而营养的七大要素是 1,优coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 质的蛋白质 2,碳水化合物 3,脂肪 4,维生素 5,矿物质 6,纤维 7,水 : 每天摄入这七大营养素并不难,但要达到均衡就不太容易了,比如脂肪摄入过多就肥胖了,高血脂,高胆固醇,心脑血管病,糖尿病,中风等病多是营养不均衡造成的,现是人吃的误区多是脂肪过多,而维生素矿物质又缺乏,如B族维生素缺乏,对肝脏影响很大,易得肝病,皮肤病,脚气病,眼病....钙`镁等矿物质缺乏`则骨质疏松`腰腿无力,手脚抽筋,画眉的病不出其左右,如咬尾,咬翅,毛松,毛烂,毛换花,白内障,打斗时脚抽筋,打斗时间不长,张嘴巴`耐力不足等等. 毛,主要由蛋白质组成,当然也含其它元素,蛋白质在体内可转换成20几种氨基酸,可抗疲劳,提高免疫力.....(人体重量的20%是蛋白质)所以要提高画眉的打斗时间,必须补充充足优质的蛋白质.(虫类也是蛋白质来源之一) 碳水化合物提供热能,玉米,豆类,酥麻本来是很好的碳水化合物,但制作鸟食时火候不能太大,不能燥,不能枯,不然会破坏其中的维生素,蛋白质和植物油脂,不然鸟儿吃了就会出现很多毛病,如毛会枯,身体发痒,咬毛`眼皮发黄, 打斗时口会干`影响打斗时间...... 肝为血海是储血的脏腑,排毒解毒的重要器官,肝主筋(鸟打斗时抽筋与肝脏缺血`缺钙有关)肝需要B族,维C,维E,维A等维生素(天然的维生素的功能是化工合成的20几倍)coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 这些维生素能帮助肝`肾排毒`解毒,保肝`护肝,养肾,画眉缺这些维生素打斗时也容易口会干, 脚抽筋......维生素A`B`C`E,`为抗氧化4大剑客, 一切生命的衰老`死亡`都是被氧化造成的..... (维生素怕高温)故我们在做好鸟食后加入天然的维生素,矿物质鸟儿食后状态会很好,大家也可以给鸟吃点水果,蔬菜汁.... 如果缺`铜`铁`锌`锰`钙`镁`等矿物质,人的头发会白,中医认为血虚,血燥,也会白发.....鸟儿的毛换花了也是如此...... 扁毛都特别爱吃多种石子,我们应每天让它们吃到这些可帮助消化,补充矿物质,少生病.....添加些植物纤维,有利于鸟儿排便,少得消化道疾病......鸟儿健康否,鸟食好不好,可从鸟的精神状态,毛是否紧,鸟便,大`小`粗`细,干`湿`松`紧来观察到...... 好多人认为鸟吃得多,鸟便粗大就认为鸟食好,其实不然!!!我认为这是个误区,农村有句俗话叫"一称(十斤)红薯八斤屎"过去老百姓生活差,营养不足,人们吃饭要吃几大碗,一会儿就饿了,但干活没劲!现在营养好了,尤其是运动员吃的少但不易饿,吃的少肚里的包袱就轻,但耐力很好,精力充沛,这就是营养充足的原因..... 脂肪也提供热能`但不能太多,一个人一天只需二两植coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 物脂肪就够了.画眉需要的就更少了,在鸟食中加点肉类或者虫粉就行了,黄豆,酥麻等植物类含有脂肪,脂肪适量能使鸟毛光亮油润,因此从画眉的毛中可以看出它的身体状态...... 笼中鸟不会像在自然界中那样吃到丰富的活虫,因此我们要尽量满足它们,除均衡的七大营养素外,还要开胃键脾,驱除身体内`外的寄生虫,养气养血,在制鸟食时加入生津止渴,清热`解毒,养精`润燥,如沙参,麦冬,山查,苁蓉等八九种无负作用的中药,防止打斗时口干,并加入天然的多种维生素矿物质......虽然制作起来麻烦,成本很高,但研究画眉斗鸟的朋友们`都是要把画眉的功夫提高到最佳打斗状态,就像武术和奥运会的目的,是想把人的体能推至最高极限一样.所以麻烦,成本高点又算什么呢??? 人有三宝:精`气`神!!!画眉也如此~营养好的画眉毛紧,骨硬,肌肉结实,内力好,眼有神,看上去不一定有很大„„能打的画眉不能太肥,养膘不如养肌肉~养肌肉不如养骨水~养骨水就是说养肾!养肾就是养性!有性才有斗志!佛说:食色性也!!! 不信你想想`解剖李小龙时发现他身体没有一点脂肪,但是李小龙多能打啊!名扬全世界!为中国人增光......所以力量不是来至于脂肪......很多人都只要大鸟,80克90克安逸,干嘛不买个肥鸡呢??? coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 鸟分为几个阶段培养,1生头 2夹生头 3打口 4将军 所以鸟食配方各有不同:1平稳中和 2营养身体 3营养保性`提性 4营养补充能量"统领鸟食"是将军鸟上阵前专用鸟食,抗疲劳.....虽然我不是卖鸟食的,但如有想探讨鸟食文化的朋友,我也可不吝分享点鸟食与之尝试,旨在共同提高. "千里马常有,伯乐不常有"是世间无名马呼?千里马没吃好,劣马也比它跑得快,好鸟没养好,烂鸟也能打败它.“人是铁`饭是钢 营养食品是金刚”所以营养鸟食无比重要~是身边没好鸟呢?还是没有好鸟食?还是我们不会养? 记得以前有一位老者(老画眉师)对我说过:"你要把它弄高兴了它才能帮你拼命打!"好简单,好深奥的道理啊...没有营养合理的鸟食为基础怎么能把它弄得高兴呢? "三分选,七分养" 我认为 挑选是简单的,养好是不简单的~ 养好画眉(斗鸟)需要知识.技术和耐心,心急吃不得热豆腐,瓜熟蒂落,功到自然成! 养鸟,养人,养心态,养鸟性,养人性,广交朋友,如我们能从中捂出一些人生的道理来就不至于玩物丧志!大家说是吗? 愿大家多养出将军好鸟,学无止境.知者吾师!抛砖引玉.也渴望大家教我! (转自:羽人网) 更多花鸟鱼虫信息在羽人网微信服务号:yurenshangdou coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave,
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