
java骑士飞行棋 小游戏

2018-01-13 32页 doc 88KB 37阅读




java骑士飞行棋 小游戏java骑士飞行棋 小游戏 突然想起自己刚学java时,老师让写一个java骑士飞行棋,那时候还不知道写,到处问人,勉 强写好了,结果全是放在主函数里,今天闲来没事,花了一会,再次写了个骑士飞行棋小游戏, 希望对初学者有帮助吧。 代码中,可能用到了初学者还没接触到的东西,不过都不难,注释都有写明,花点时间就能明白 的。 一共三个类。 分别: Game.java Map.java Player.java package chou.game.flying; import java.util.Random; im...
java骑士飞行棋 小游戏
java骑士飞行棋 小游戏 突然想起自己刚学java时,老师让写一个java骑士飞行棋,那时候还不知道写,到处问人,勉 强写好了,结果全是放在主函数里,今天闲来没事,花了一会,再次写了个骑士飞行棋小游戏, 希望对初学者有帮助吧。 代码中,可能用到了初学者还没接触到的东西,不过都不难,注释都有写明,花点时间就能明白 的。 一共三个类。 分别: Game.java Map.java Player.java package chou.game.flying; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class Game { private Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); private static Map map = new Map(); /** * 静态块,初始化地图 * 加载时就会被执行的内容 * 不理解的,可以在static{}块里打印一句话,看看控制台反映 */ static { map.initMap(); } /** * 游戏开始 */ public void GameStart() { //游戏开始界面 welcome(); //选择角色,生成对象数组 Player [] players = getPlayer(); appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening //游戏开始循环,直到有玩家胜出,结束 boolean isAnyoneWin = false; while (!isAnyoneWin) { //遍历玩家数组,让每个玩家依次进行掷点 for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { //对玩家的状态进行判断,是否处于暂停状态 if (players[i].getStatus() == 1) { //如果玩家处于暂停状态,恢复暂停状态并跳过此回合 players[i].setStatus(0); statusSay(players[i]); continue; } //判断玩家,手动掷点 if (i != 0) { letPlayerRoll(players[i]); } //进行掷点 int count = roll(); System.out.println(players[i].getName() + " 掷出了 " + count + " 点"); //记录玩家roll点前位置和roll点后位置,判断玩家位置是否到达终点 players[i].setLastPosition(players[i].getPosition()); players[i].setPosition(players[i].getPosition() + count); //判断是否踩中对方 int secondNum = Math.abs(1 - i); if (isHit(players[i], players[secondNum])) { players[secondNum].setPosition(0); if (players[i].getLastPosition() != 0) { changMap(players[i].getLastPosition(), players[i].getLastPositionFlag()); } } if (checkAnyoneWin(players[i].getPosition())) { isAnyoneWin = true; appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening //打印游戏结束标语 gameOver(players[i]); continue; }else { //判断将去位置是否有特殊效果,判断效果之后,理论上来说,应该再次进行判断是否有特殊效果 //但我们这里不设这种情出现,因为再来循环的话,代码会更复杂,不利于初学者学习 //在这里,我们只判断再进行一次roll点的判定 String mapBuff = null; mapBuff = getMapFlag(players[i].getPosition()); if (!("=".equals(mapBuff))) { players[i] = checkBuff(players[i], mapBuff); }else if ("*".equals(mapBuff)) { count = roll(); players[i].setPosition(players[i].getPosition() + count); } //判断是否踩中对方 secondNum = Math.abs(1 - i); if (isHit(players[i], players[secondNum])) { players[secondNum].setPosition(0); if (players[i].getLastPosition() != 0) { changMap(players[i].getLastPosition(), players[i].getLastPositionFlag()); } } //记录玩家去的位置的形状,地图复原使用 mapBuff = getMapFlag(players[i].getPosition()); players[i].setLastPositionFlag(mapBuff); //改变地图上玩家的位置,先复原,再改变 //初始位置是为0,所以要判断 if (players[i].getLastPosition() != 0) { changMap(players[i].getLastPosition(), players[i].getLastPositionFlag()); } //三目运算符,i == 0 是一个布尔式,? 疑问,如果是真,返回:前面的值,如果假,:后面的值 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening mapBuff = i == 0 ? "C" : "P"; changMap(players[i].getPosition(), mapBuff); } map.showMap(); } } } /** * 判断是否踩中对方 * @param first 前面玩家 * @param second 后面玩家 */ public boolean isHit(Player first,Player second) { boolean temp = false; if (first.getPosition() == second.getPosition()) { temp = true; } return temp; } /** * 玩家掷点阻塞 * @param player 玩家信息 */ public void letPlayerRoll(Player player) { System.out.println("请玩家 " + player.getName() + " 掷点~"); sc.next(); } /** * 检查玩家到达的地图位置是否有特殊效果 * @param player 玩家 * @param mapBuff 地图标识 * @return 执行过buff后的玩家对象 */ public Player checkBuff(Player player,String mapBuff) { if ("-".equals(mapBuff)) { System.out.println(player.getName()+ " 进入黑洞,迷失了方向,后退6步"); System.out.println(player.getName() + ":shit!"); player.setPosition(player.getPosition() - 6); appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening }else if ("+".equals(mapBuff)) { System.out.println(player.getName() + " 进入时空隧道,前进6步"); System.out.println(player.getName() + ":luckily!"); player.setPosition(player.getPosition() + 6); }else if ("*".equals(mapBuff)) { System.out.println(player.getName() + " 进行了空间跳跃~再来一次"); System.out.println(player.getName() + ":see me fly!"); player.setStatus(0); }else if ("^".equals(mapBuff)) { System.out.println(player.getName() + " 抛锚了,暂停一次"); System.out.println(player.getName() + ":what is the fuck!"); player.setStatus(1); } return player; } /** * 改变地图上玩家的位置 * @param position 位置 * @param flag 地图形状 */ public void changMap(int position, String flag) { if (position < 31) { map.map[0][position - 1] = flag; }else if (position > 30 && position < 36) { map.map[position - 30][29] = flag; }else if (position > 35 && position < 66) { map.map[6][position - 35] = flag; }else if (position > 65 && position < 71) { map.map[position - 59][0] = flag; }else if (position > 70 && position < 101) { map.map[12][position - 71] = flag; } } /** * 暂停言语 * @param player 被暂停的玩家 */ public void statusSay(Player player) { System.out.println(player.getName() + " 暂停中..........."); } appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening /** * 获得地图指定位置的形状 * @param position 位置 * @return */ public String getMapFlag(int position) { String flag = "="; if (position < 31) { flag = map.map[0][position - 1]; }else if (position > 30 && position < 36) { flag = map.map[position - 30][29]; }else if (position > 35 && position < 66) { flag = map.map[6][65 - position]; }else if (position > 65 && position < 71) { flag = map.map[position - 59][0]; }else if (position > 70 && position < 101) { flag = map.map[12][position - 71]; } return flag; } /** * 胜利标语 * @param player 玩家 */ public void gameOver(Player player) { System.out.println("whar a palyer!!"); System.out.println(" 玩家 " + player.getName() + " 率先到达终点,获得了胜利"); } /** * 判断是否胜利 * @param position 位置 * @return boolean,temp */ public boolean checkAnyoneWin(int position) { boolean temp = false; temp = position >= 100 ? true : false; return temp; } /** appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening * 掷点 * @return int,count 点数 */ public int roll () { int count = 0; //产生一个6以内的随机数 Random random = new Random(); count = random.nextInt(6) + 1; return count; } /** * 选择角色 * @return Player [],players 玩家对象数组 */ public Player [] getPlayer(){ boolean flag = true; //创建对象数组,长度为2,用来接收玩家对象和电脑 Player [] players = new Player[2]; Player player = new Player(); player.setNum(1); Player computer = new Player(); while (flag) { String userChoose = sc.next(); //获取输入内容,判断是否 1,2,3,根据选择给玩家对象赋名 if (!userChoose.matches("[1-3]")) { System.out.println("? 选择角色失败,请重新选择"); } else { switch (Integer.parseInt(userChoose)) { case 1: player.setName("YaGaMi"); break; case 2: player.setName("Killer"); break; case 3: player.setName("Chou"); break; default: break; } appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening System.out.println("? 你选择了 " + player.getName() + " 作为你的游戏角色"); System.out.println("? 电脑选择了 Fujiwara no Mokou 作为游戏角色" ); computer.setName("Fujiwara no Mokou"); //数组第1位是玩家,第二位是电脑 players[1] = player; players[0] = computer; flag = false; } } return players; } public void welcome() { System.out.println("*********************************"); System.out.println("*******欢迎来到飞行棋小游戏*******"); System.out.println("*********************************"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("游戏说明:"); System.out.println("地图上随机出现 * - ^ + 四种效果"); System.out.println("分别代码:再掷1次,后退6步,暂停1次,前进6步"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("? 请选择你的喜欢的游戏角色编号:"); System.out.println("1.YaGaMi"); System.out.println("2.Killer"); System.out.println("3.Chou"); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Game().GameStart(); } } appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening package chou.game.flying; public class Map { public String [][] map = new String[13][30]; public void initMap() { for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) { if(i == 0 || i == 6 || i == 12 || (i < 6 && j == 29) || (i > 6 && j == 0)){ map[i][j] = "="; }else { map[i][j] = " "; } } } map[0][6] = "+"; map[0][8] = "-"; map[0][15] = "*"; map[0][20] = "-"; map[0][29] = "^"; map[3][29] = "*"; map[6][7] = "^"; map[6][16] = "+"; map[6][20] = "-"; map[6][28] = "^"; map[10][0] = "*"; map[12][7] = "-"; map[12][8] = "^"; map[12][15] = "-"; map[12][20] = "^"; map[12][23] = "-"; map[12][28] = "-"; } appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening public void showMap(){ for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) { if(i == 6){ System.out.print(map[i][29-j] + " "); }else { System.out.print(map[i][j] + " "); } } System.out.println(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { } } package chou.game.flying; public class Player { private String name; //玩家状态 private int status; appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening //玩家当前位置 private int position; //玩家上把位置 private int lastPosition; //玩家上把位置的地图形状 private String lastPositionFlag; //玩家编号 private int num; public int getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(int num) { this.num = num; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } public int getPosition() { return position; } public void setPosition(int position) { this.position = position; } public int getLastPosition() { return lastPosition; } public void setLastPosition(int lastPosition) { this.lastPosition = lastPosition; } public String getLastPositionFlag() { return lastPositionFlag; appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening } public void setLastPositionFlag(String lastPositionFlag) { this.lastPositionFlag = lastPositionFlag; } } appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening
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