

2017-12-28 10页 doc 31KB 15阅读




向日葵种植技术向日葵种植技术 生物结业论文开题报告 课题名称 议向日葵种植技术 课题成员 指导教师 问题提出 妈妈是一位特别爱吃向日葵果实的选题目的理由 人,而且向日葵果实俗称瓜籽有多种 口味,对人的身体有保健作用。而我 又特别喜欢向日葵花,它象征着太 阳。之所以我对向日葵产生了浓厚的 兴趣。 研究的目的与 想了解向日葵种植到成熟的整个过意义 程,知道一些关于它的知识。 研究方法 亲自到农民伯伯家咨询作记录。 研究过程 我亲自到了乡下的亲戚家里,向他们 咨询关于种植向日葵的一系过程。 预期研究结果 彻彻底底的知道了向日葵是怎样种 植...
向日葵种植技术 生物结业论文开题 课题名称 议向日葵种植技术 课题成员 指导教师 问题提出 妈妈是一位特别爱吃向日葵果实的选题目的理由 人,而且向日葵果实俗称瓜籽有多种 口味,对人的身体有保健作用。而我 又特别喜欢向日葵花,它象征着太 阳。之所以我对向日葵产生了浓厚的 兴趣。 研究的目的与 想了解向日葵种植到成熟的整个过意义 程,知道一些关于它的知识。 研究方法 亲自到农民伯伯家咨询作记录。 研究过程 我亲自到了乡下的亲戚家里,向他们 咨询关于种植向日葵的一系过程。 预期研究结果 彻彻底底的知道了向日葵是怎样种 植到成熟的一系列慢长的过程。 表达形式 A、论文 B、报告 C、软件 D、其他 议向日葵种植技术 吉林大学附属中学二年二十三班 问题的提出: 每当看到家里人吃向日葵果实,瓜籽,时~我就对那么一个个饱满的小颗粒产生浓厚的兴趣~总不停地问自己为什么一个向日葵花,太阳花,最后会生产出那么多的小颗料,瓜籽,呢,而且口味还那么香呢, 研究的目的: 了解向日葵种植到田间管理到成熟的过程。 研究方法:亲自到农民伯伯家里咨询作记录 研究过程: 春天到了~我一想又快到种植向日葵的时候了~在我休息的一天里来到乡下的亲戚家里~详细咨询了向日葵的种植过程~最最可惜的是我并没有亲自到农地里种植向日葵~因为那天的天气不适何种植~但通过伯伯的讲解和示范~我认认rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 真真地记了笔记~回家后做了如下的。 研究结果: 种植向日葵的过程:从选地、选种、何时种、田间管理、何时收获、贮存等一系列过程。 一、选地整地 向日葵对土壤的适应性很广~一般酸碱度在5.5—8.5之间~重黏土到轻沙质土壤都可以种植。在3月下旬到4月下旬~每亩施农家肥30担~碳铵30公斤~过磷酸钙30公斤~硫酸钾15公斤~辛硫磷颗粒剂1.5公斤~随耕地时一并翻入土中~预防地下害虫。 1、选地:选土层深厚~土地平整~灌排配套~要求轮作期3—4年以上~严禁迎重茬。 2、整地施肥:精细整地~施足底肥~要求播种前无根茬~重施基肥~深种种肥。秋季深翻20—25cm~亩施农家肥1000—1500kg~在秋压底肥的基础上要适时进行秋浇~在冬春及时磙耙基础上~播前平地、打堰缩块,1—1.5亩/块,~做到地平、土碎、墒情均匀一致。在播前沿食用向日葵行深种磷酸二铵10—15kg~钾肥,氯化钾或硫酸钾,7—8kg~或氮磷钾三元复合肥。 二、轮作倒茬 向日葵连作会使土壤养分特别是钾素过多消耗~地力难以恢复~病虫草害也会因连作而加剧。轮作周期一般为3—4年。豆类作物~谷类作物等均是向日葵的良好前茬。生产上轮作方式主要有:向日葵—谷子—玉米,向日葵—玉米—谷子,向日葵—大豆—玉米,高粱,。 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 三、精选种子 食用向日葵品种主要有星火葵花,晋葵3号等。选择优质、高产、抗逆性强的品种。主要选用经提纯或农民挑选自留的整齐饱满~形状、大小、色泽一致的三道眉、星火花葵、垦苏花葵、dk119杂交食用花葵品种。严禁用dk119二代种子。 四、种子处理 精选优种后要翻晒2—3天~种子纯度不低于97%~净度不低于98%~发芽率应在95%以上。 五、播前准备 播前应晒种2—3天~用40%锌硫磷150毫升~兑水5—7.5kg~拌种25—30kg~以防地下害虫。 用多菌灵500倍液浸种6小时~或用菌核净、甲基托布等拌种~用药量为种子量的0.5—0.6%~以防治菌核病。 六、播种时间及方法 1、适时早播。巴盟地区常规食用花葵最佳播期在4月15日—25日~dk119最佳播期在5月下旬。 2、播种方法。采取穴播或耧开沟人工定距点播~粘土地播深3.3cm~砂壤土地、砂质土地播深可达4—6cm。 3、密度配置。发挥边行优势~采取大小行种植~三道眉食葵大行2.6尺~小行1.2尺~株距1.2尺~亩留苗2630株,星火大行2.6尺~小行1.4尺~行距1.4尺~亩留苗2000株,dk119大行2.5尺~小行1.4尺~株距1.3尺~亩留苗2370株。 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 七、播种 向日葵播种期的确定一般是春播宜早~播种方式以人工穴播为主。穴播法可按要求的株距点籽~播深约5厘米左右。一般播种量穴播每亩用种1—1.5公斤~每穴4—5粒~实行宽窄行播种~大行距100厘米~小行距50厘米~株距60厘米~每亩留苗1400株左右。 八、加强田间管理 1、中耕除草~第一次中耕结合间苗进行~深3—4厘米~每亩追尿素10公斤。一星期后第二次中耕~深8—10厘米,第三次中耕深3—4厘米~在结盘时进行~结合中耕每亩追尿素15公斤~硫酸钾10公斤~结合根部培土,2、人工辅助授粉~向日葵是异花授粉作物~应及时进行人工辅助授粉~以提高结实率。其方法是:戴线手套在开花2—3天 后逐个进行触摸~时间应在上午9—11时~下午16—19时为宜~每隔7天一次~连续2—3次~可增加产量20%以上。 1、苗期田间管理 ,1,查苗补种:向日葵出苗期要及时查苗~大片缺苗要及时催芽补种。对缺苗少的地段~在食用向日葵一对真叶时进行带土座水移栽,方法是先在缺苗的地方挖坑灌水~在水没有渗完前将苗带土挖起放入坑内~而后复土或将带土苗放入坑内覆土后再浇水。 ,2,早间、早定:在食用向日葵1—2对真叶间苗~2—3对真叶定苗~留单株~缺苗处边缘留双株。 ,3,多锄、深锄~适时培土:一对真叶时进行浅锄~2对真叶定苗进行深锄、细锄,深度7—rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 10cm,~苗高50—70cm时结合深锄培土10cm左右。 幼苗期主要有地老虎、黑绒金龟子、金针虫等虫害~一经发现立即用锌硫磷兑水或灭扫剂2000—2500倍液喷杀~同时及时地面锄草杀卵~适时早浇。 2、中后期田间管理 食用向日葵全生育期浇水2—3次~第一水在现蕾前~时间6月初~亩追尿素15—20公斤。第二水在现蕾期~时间在6月下旬~亩追碳铵50公斤。第三水在开花期~时间在7月中旬。8月上旬灌浆期视降雨、风力情况而定~要浅浇快轮~水过地干。 叶面喷肥与辅助授粉及打杈:在向日葵灌浆期每亩用磷酸二氢钾100—150g或多元微肥200g兑 水30公斤进行喷施~时间以下午6时后或无风雨的阴天~也可在傍晚进行。 在蜂源不足的情况下~在开花盛期进行人工辅助授粉~利用粉扑或采用花盘接触法~每隔3—5天进行曲一次~共授粉2—3次~时间上午9—11时~下午4—6时~阴雨天禁授~以降低空壳率。在食葵生育期,一般是现蕾期以后,发现分枝要立即打掉。 病害防治:为防治菌核病~用50%速克灵可湿性粉剂1000倍液或菌核净800倍液在初花期将药喷在花盘的正反两面~隔10天再喷药一次。 为防治锈斑病~一般可在8月上旬~每亩用15%三唑酮可湿职性粉剂800—1200倍液或50%硫磺悬浮剂300倍液进行喷施~时间要选择在阴天或下午6时以后进行。 九、收获 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. 当全田油葵花盘背面呈现黄白色、茎秆变黄~中上部叶片退绿变黄~果皮呈现本品种固有颜色和斑纹~即可进行人工收获,当植株茎秆变黄~叶片枯萎下垂或脱落~花盘黄褐色~舌状花凋萎脱落~果皮坚硬时即可进行机械收获~作到颗粒归仓。获后立即摊开晾晒~勤翻动、防着雨~晴天晾晒2—3天即可脱粒~脱粒后立即摊开籽粒晾晒~防止发热霉变~以保商品质量。 十、运输 运输工具应清洁、干燥~有防雨设施。严禁与有毒有害有腐蚀性、有异味的物品混运。 十一、贮存 在清洁、干燥、通风、无虫害和鼠害的地方贮存。严禁与有毒、有害、有腐蚀性、易发霉、发潮、有异味的物品混存。
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