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顶级求职英语资料连载(四)——名企笔试真题及全真模拟题 这份文档可能包含了纽哈斯国际教育咨询拥有的专利,或者未决专利应用的相关内容和素材。提供这份文 档给使用者并不意味着对这些专利的任何授权。 版权所有 ©纽哈斯教育咨询。HiAll 标识和产品名称都是纽哈斯国际教育咨询的商标或者注册商标。其他 标识和产品名称都是各自所有者的商标或者注册商标。 地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路 18 号财智国际大厦 B 座 802 邮编:100083 电话:(8610)82600749 ...
这份文档可能包含了纽哈斯国际教育咨询拥有的专利,或者未决专利应用的相关和素材。提供这份文 档给使用者并不意味着对这些专利的任何授权。 版权所有 ©纽哈斯教育咨询。HiAll 标识和产品名称都是纽哈斯国际教育咨询的商标或者注册商标。其他 标识和产品名称都是各自所有者的商标或者注册商标。 地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路 18 号财智国际大厦 B 座 802 邮编:100083 电话:(8610)82600749 82600750 邮件:consulting@hiall.com.cn ◆ HiAll 2006-5-5 顶级求职英语班 附赠五一超值大礼包 ◆ ——仅需 520 元,即可享受 Job Hunting English 的饕餮盛宴 ★ 一对一点评简历 ★ 赠送优秀简历模版 ★ 赠送优秀求职信函模版 ★ 赠送开放式问题模版 ★ 赠送 SHL、TOEIC 数百道真题及解题技巧 ★ 赠送常见面试问题答案 ★ 现场模拟面试并制作 VCD ★ 课后 Club 聚会 你可以选择平庸,也可以选择卓越。5 月 5 日 Hi All 培训,不见不散。课程结束之后安排全 体学员去音符妹酒吧聚会,安排跟咱们的老师、学员单独沟通的机会。 The Reasons You Can’t Miss It 1.真题练兵 针对各个行业顶级公司的最新真题,Hi All 从各个顶级投行,咨询公司,世界 500 强(such as P&G,Mars,Shell,BP……)等最新内部资料和最新真题的基础上,Hi All 总结了网申、 面试、笔试、open questions 等百道经典题目,进行深入剖析。 2.顶级师资 来自世界顶级公司的内部声音,从华尔街、香港到北京,从哈佛、芝加哥大学、沃顿商 学院到北大的毕业生,Hi All 师资带给你的不是中国顶级的培训,是世界顶级的求职培训。 3.魔鬼训练 这里,你会被挑战,你要重新认识自己;你要和队友协作,你要被老师 cold call,你要 和优秀的对手进行 PK。总之,你在这里要重塑自己。从 2004 年至今,Hi All 借鉴美国成功 模式,已经成为国内最大的求职培训机构,从网络课堂、出版、培训,在全国范围内帮助数 万名大学生找到理想工作。选择 Hi All,就是选择挑战,选择成功。 4.狼群效应 达尔文说,只有最强的族群才会在残酷的竞争中生存。在这里,你将加入最强的狼群, 接受最严酷的考验。 顶级讲师 许轶,HiAll 创始人,芝加哥大学硕士,GMAT 和托福考试写作满分得主,新 东方国外考试部资深兼职教师。放弃花旗银行高薪工作回国创业。具多年人 力资源培训和教育咨询经验,与包括麦肯锡、IBM、朗讯、西门子等 50 多家 公司深入接触。《剪裁人生》、《求职胜经》作者,在新东方出版了《Hi All 求 职快车简历、面试、咨询公司》等求职籍。在新东方的著作还包括《留美 申请白皮书》、《挑战托福作文满分》等。曾于 2005 年 12 月专程前往美国斯 坦福大学、加州理工学院考察调研,带回美国最新的求职培训资料和经验。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 【培训时间】 2006 年 5 月 5 日 Resume 9:00-9:50 10:00-10:50 11:00-11:50 Online Application & Cover Letter 14:00-14:50 15:00-15:50 16:00-16:50 2006 年 5 月 6 日 Interview Skills 9:00-10:20 Case Interview & Group Interview 10:40-12:00 37 questions 14:00-14:50 15:00-15:50 16:00-16:50 2006 年 5 月 7 日 Paper Test 9:00-9:50 10:00-10:50 11:00-11:50 Mock Interview 14:00-14:50 15:00-15:50 【培训地点】 HiAll 培训教室——中科院自动化研究所 13 层第二会议室 【培训费用】 520 元/人 【报名方式】 http://www.hiall.com.cn/activity/SignUp.php 【咨询电话】 010-82600749 82600750 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Justin,毕业于哈佛大学, Mckinsey Boston Office Peter Ou,毕业于 Wharton 商学 院,Credit Suisse First Boston, New York 张锐,毕业于北京大学,毕业拿到 Morgan Stanley 和 Mckinsey 的 offer。曾就职于 Morgan Stanley London Office, 现创办中国最 大的事件互动网站 www.mosh.cn 并担任 CEO 孙钢,曾就职于 Morgan Stanley 香港, Bain 等 顶级公司,熟悉名企简历和网申、技巧。 HiAll 资深培训师。 4.1.1 采用 SHL 试题的公司概略 Mars ICI Unilever 高露洁 汇丰银行 恒生银行 渣打银行 德勒 KMPG 瑞安集团…… 考试的具体形式因公司而异,分为 paper-based 和 online test 两种,大部分公司会选择英 文原文试题,也有比较 bt 的选择中文版本。 ¾ Paper Test(毕马威 KPMG、安永、E&Y、汇丰等) 毕马威的笔试采用的是 SHL 的试题,分为 verbal 和 number 两个部分,时间有限,一般 做不完,主要考察英文阅读能力、逻辑能力、数字能力和准确率。在这一关 80%的人,无 法进入下一轮。 安永的笔试主要是写作文,考察英文达能力,每年的题型都有变化。 ¾ On-line test(德勤 DTT 等) 在线提交简历后,会收到一个在线测试的链接,类似于心理测试,100 道题左右,有时 间限制;隔几天后,会收到一个在线英文测试,是 SHL 的试题,与毕马威的 verbal 有些类 似的 Group Discussion 4.1.2 SHL 全真测试题 HiAll 内部资料,严禁外传 Numerical Reasoning This test is designed to measure your ability to make logical deductions from statistical tables and numerical data. In this test you have to use facts and figures presented in statistical tables to answer the questions. In each question you are given five options from which to choose ONE, and only one, of the options is correct in each case. For some numerical tests of this nature you may be provided with a calculator - for some you may be required to work without one. You may try the following questions with or without the use of a calculator - as you wish. In addition at your assessment, you may be provided with rough paper for your working out. You have 44 minutes to finish 38 qustions in this section. Question 9: What was the approximate average production cost per machine employed by Line B in October? □ 57 □ 4,559 □ 8,443 □ 483,300 □ 51,229,800 Question 10: What was the difference in average cost per machine employed between Line A and Line C in August? □ 22 □ 51 □ 5,912 □ 430,000 □ 107,650 Question 11: What was the average cost per machine employed across all three lines in June? □ 875 □ 3,520 □ 3,537 □ 4,752 □ 4,985 Question 14: What is the ratio of PC’s for archiving to those for word processing in Provo Publishers? □ 1:7 □ 1:6 □ 1:2 □ 7:1 □ 14:1 Question 15: How many employees in Provo Publishers are not senior staffs? □ 19 □ 25 □ 51 □ 57 □ 70 Question 16: On average how many more members of staff are there per 'PC for archiving' in Contra Press than in Contenti News? □ 93 □ 103 □ 113 □ 123 □ 133 Question 17: If all journalists in Contra Press are senior staff, how many technical staff employees are also senior staffs? □ 356 □ 534 □ 623 □ 890 □ 1424 Question 18: How many more PC’s (for both archiving and word processing) does Contenti News have than Contra Press? □ 71 □ 87 □ 108 □ 129 □ 150 Question 24: How many cycles are in Beijing and Amsterdam combined? □ 1,982,000 □ 2,112,000 □ 2,190,000 □ 2,282,000 □ 2,332,000 Question 25: Approximately, what percentage of vehicles in Amsterdam are not buses? □ 68% □ 75% □ 88% □ 96% □ 99% Question 26: Approximately, what proportion of all three transport types in Sao Paolo are private cars? □ 1/3 □ 2/5 □ 1/2 □ 2/3 □ 5/6 Question 27: If on average, buses, private cars and cycles respectively carry 29, 2.4 and 1.3 persons per vehicle, approximately how many people are in transit at any time in Beijing? □ 6,361 □ 6,823 □ 7,285 □ 7,747 □ 8,209 Question 28: Carbon dioxide emissions for bus commuters in Paris is 120 kg per passenger per year. If all cycle owners stopped cycling and used buses instead, how many more kilograms of carbon dioxide would the city emit per year? □ 51.7 tonnes □ 64.9 tonnes □ 75.1 tonnes □ 84.0 tonnes □ 112.3 tonnes Verbal In this test you are given some passages, each of which is followed by several statements. Your task is to evaluate the statements in the light of the information or opinions contained in the passage and to select your answer according to these rules. Select TRUE if the statement must be true based on the information in the passage. Select FALSE if the statement is definitely false given the information in the passage. Select CANNOT SAY if you cannot say whether the statement is true or false without further information. Base your answers only on the information given in the passage You have 23 minutes to finish 40 questions in this section. Verbal A divide has emerged between those supporting and those opposing active forest management as concerns about the environmental problems resulting from deforestation have increased. There is currently a large volume of research regarding the management of forest ecosystems, tree breeding and the selection of species and varieties. This was partially related to the passing of forestry laws in the majority of Western nations in the 20th century which was in response to growing conservationist social ideals and the technological advances of logging companies. Reforestation is one way to apply modern forestry whereby trees are planted and cultivated in a designated area. Further to this, damage to property, human injury and even death can be prevented with the application of good forestry. Question 1: Modern forestry can be used to aid planting and reforestation. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 2: Good forestry cannot prevent loss of human life. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 3: In the twentieth century, conservationist ideals grew in the West. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 4: Reforestation is the most important aspect of modern forestry. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 5: Deforestation has not affected views on forest management. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say General aviation and scheduled air transport comprise the two categories of civil aviation. General aviation excludes scheduled airline activity but includes all other aircraft flights including private and commercial flights. It has huge potential to change the way people transport themselves for the better. The introduction of the new very light jets, which have lower operating costs, means that theoretically people can use the thousands of airports globally to get a lot closer to their chosen destination than with traditional scheduled airline travel. General aviation could also expand in areas such as news gathering, police work, emergency medical flights, crop-dusting, and many other aerial activities. However significant obstacles do exist, such as the price of aircraft and training being prohibitively high for most people, and the public still generally have a perception that the safety of small private aircraft is not good. Question 32: Scheduled air transport and general aviation encompass all civil aviation. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 33: Advances in general aviation could be used by the medical service. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 34: General aviation only includes private flights. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 35: Traditional scheduled airline travel is very inefficient. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say The increase in passengers’ use of portable electronics that can cause interference with an aircraft’s systems is leading to the need for an innovative and practical solution. These transmissions are not limited to mobile phones; modern microprocessors, and electronics with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transceivers are also amongst the personal electronic devices (PEDs) that may interfere with a plane’s electronics. Few people know how to configure their PEDs in order to make them safe during air-travel. A suggested solution is to give the pilot control, through the ability to switch on a coded wireless frequency during take-off and landing that the PED would respond to by switching to a flight-safe mode. This signal would be transmitted at a low frequency so as not to interfere with the aeroplane’s systems. It has also been suggested that this idea be applied in cinemas and theatres to automatically turn the audience’s phones onto silent mode. Question 36: Wi-Fi and Bluetooth could be turned off by the pilot of an aircraft by using a coded frequency. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 37: A signal would be transmitted at the same frequency in theatres and cinemas as in aeroplanes in order for personal electronic devices to pick up the signal. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 38: The proposed solution to the increase in passengers’ use of personal electronic devices could be applied to other situations. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say In the newest attempt to defeat counterfeit and forged credit or ID cards, an audio watermarking scheme is being developed in the Netherlands. Cards will be developed to carry a polymer with a pattern of impurities distributed inside. When inserted into the card reader, sound would then be injected into the material using a miniature loudspeaker, with a miniature microphone picking up the sound on the other side. The impurities in the card would result in the sound becoming distorted. This sound would then be checked against a stored reference sound to check that the card is genuine. To create a fake card that produced the right noise, or to forge the pattern of impurities buried in the card would be incredibly difficult. Question 39:The sound would be injected into the card by the card reader through the miniature loudspeaker. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say Question 40: Sonic watermarking is more difficult to forge than visual. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say HiAll 内部资料,严禁外传 4.1.3 KPMG 样题(verbal 部分) The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around prices of coal and uranium today and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with current income. 1. The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say 2. The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the relative efficiency of nuclear reactors. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say 3. If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build and decommission than fossil-fuelled power stations, they would definitely have the economic advantage. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say At any given moment we are being bombarded by physical and psychological stimuli competing for our attention. Although our eyes are capable of handling more than 5 million bits of data per second, our brain are capable of interpreting only about 500 bits per second. With similar disparities between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see that we must select the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specific time. 4. Physical stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say 5. The capacity of the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all the stimuli the senses can register under optimum conditions. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say 6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears. □ True □ False □ Cannot Say 4.1.4 笔试英语作文题目 1. Write a letter to your manager, including three things: a. the sales forecast of the next month b. the budget increase of cover training c. a suggestion about the new accounting procedure tips: 有字数限制 2. Write a report according to two diagrams, about foreign direct investment, one of the two diagrams is about the number of the projects. (Joint Ventures, Cooperative, Wholly Owned, Shareholding)the other is about the percentage change 45min 的作文,题目二选一。 1、西部开发正在迅速的进行中,你认为需要首先完成的三件事是什么?为什么? 2、谈谈你对中国和北美文化之间差异的认识,你觉得这种差异是在扩大还是缩小,为什么? 45min 的作文,题目二选一。 1、SARS 对中国经济几乎没有什么影响.如果冬天 SARS 再度来临,是否还是这样? 2、近 10 年来中国社会有什么变化? 45min 的作文,题目二选一。 1、中国 GDP 增长很快,常常成为报章头条,但是这些 statistics 的可靠性如何? 2、关于房地产繁荣的。Will china's property boom continue? 45min 的作文,题目二选一。 1、advantages and disadvantages of investment in west region of china 2、the effect of devalue of RMB 4.2 TOEIC 模拟题 HiAll 内部资料,严禁外传。 TOEIC 全真模拟题 Part One Photographs Listen to the audio file, and then choose the letter that best describes the photo. Part Five Incomplete Sentences Choose the structure which correctly completes the sentence. 31. The suppliers not only sent the wrong for the medicine, but they also sent them to the department. (A). components (B). techniques (C). principles (D). machines 32. This is an that will not be easily forgotten. (A). measure (B). academic (C). insult (D). misunderstanding 33. She was standing so close to the electric heater that her skirt on fire. (A). caught (B). took (C). put (D). extinguished 34. As a teacher, you should not the students form asking question in class. (A). export (B). retain (C). impose (D). punish 35. Jenny, leave the windows open, ? (A). do you (B). will you (C). wouldn’t you (D). don’t you 36. you are free tonight, why not drop in and play cards with us? (A). For (B). Since (C). So (D). However 37. This is not what we asked you to do. You cannot get more pay for the work. (A). owing (B). less (C). job (D). extra 38. If you heat water, it into vapor. (A). changed (B). changes (C). would change (D). change 39. The demand for skilled workers in the IT sector will significantly over the next five to ten years. (A). to increase (B). has increased (C). increase (D). be increased 40. Don’t you think it is time you smoking? (A). gave up (B). giving up (C). have given up (D). to give up 41. Mr. Bulalla has been promoted. (A). ever (B). yet (C). already (D). still 42. Mrs. Thompson’s business acumen is beyond reproach, she has been able to increase profits dramatically. (A). Even though (B). Because of (C). So (D). Because 43. all those applying , Mr. Jamison was the most experienced applicant. (A). Of (B). Form (C). Against (D). With 44. all those applying for the position, Mr. Jamison was the one chosen, as he was the most experienced. (A). Of (B). From (C). Against (D). With 45 all the applicants submitting their resumes, Mr. Jamison needed extra time to read over the selections for the company short list. (A). Of (B). Form (C). Against (D). with 46. The World Wide Web revolutionized the way we communicate; , video-conferencing, internet-phone, and all the other multimedia embedded in the Web extend our global communication. (A). moreover (B). consequently (C). for example (D). nevertheless 47. The sudden dip in the stock markets made the investors . (A). sell (B). to sell (C). sold (D). to be sold 48. Had the overdraft, the bank would have called. (A). noticed (B). been noticed (C). being noticed (D). was noticed 49. The Japanese bullet train, or Shinkansen, from Kyoto, often on time. (A). arrive (B). is arriving (C). bas been arriving (D). arrives 50. If you can’t with your old computer in today’s fast-track technology, you should upgrade to a faster one. (A). get to (B). get through (C). get along (D). get by Part Six Error Recognitio One of the underlines structures in the choices below is incorrect; choose the letter of your choice. 41 his trials and tribulations, (A) which he claimed were his (B) worse, would be more satisfactory if he (C) actually took the time to organize his (D) thoughts. 42. My friend (A) had been advised (B) to make prudent investments (C) with her inheritance, so she (D) delayed to buy those stocks offered on the exchange that morning. 43. The newest ideas (A) presented actually (B) will might cost more, and (C) may have to be considered carefully (D) before going to the board for ratification. 44. (A) The cocaine is a drug which is destroying American society, (B) both in the upper echelons (C) as well as the ghettos, where (D) the buying and selling of this drug continues unabated. 45. (A) Not agreeing to sell his assets and eventually (B) is phasing out his construction company, John (C) will attempt to keep (D) things going until the bank floats another loan. 46. Until the end of the First World War, (A) a little official attention was given (B) to preventing fires, (C) because (D) extinguishing fires was the main concern of fire department. 47. A (A) frustrating year for the U.S. space program (B) was experienced in 1993 (C) because of lost satellites, delays of space shuttle launches, and a (D) drastically size reduction of the space station. 48. Marine biology also (A) deals on organisms (B) which directly (C) depend upon bodies of salt water for (D) necessities of life. 49. Hakka is very (A) much like Cantonese, (B) with six tones (C) distinguishing meaning between words (D)or words elements within the same vowels and consonants. 50. (A) Although Myanmar jewelry has its own characteristics, (B) it was influenced by various Indian styles (C) in which individual jewels blend in rather than (D)standing out. Part Seven Reading Comprehension We are looking for a Canadian t
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